Klacci iF Series Mobile Biometrics Touchless Smart Lock - iF-R Readers مكتب

iF+R Readers

Access Control System can be this little. The iF+R Reader extends the applicability of iF+ Series Bi-System Touchless Smart Lock more and further.

Whether it is the existing application restricting a new installation, or the simply need to upgrade the door lock into a high security touchless solution opening, the iF+R Reader is the best choice. Comes in full suit of functions as the iF+ Series Bi-System Touchless Smart Lock, the iF+R Reader can be easily connected to most of the existing door hardware with quick input/output terminal circuits.

Klacci iF Series Mobile Biometrics Touchless Smart Lock - iF-R Readers الاستخدامات
  • Quick connection with input/output terminals to Exit Devices, Electirc Strikes, Door Operators etc
  • Hold Open and Privacy mode standard
  • المنازل والمكتب والمدارس والعيادات والفنادق ومهاجع السكن وغرف مبيت مع وجبة الإفطار في الحانات.
  • Where flexible security is required for connecting with other door hardware.
Klacci iF Series Mobile Biometrics Touchless Smart Lock iF-R Readers Control Module Introduction
Klacci iF+ Series Bi-System Touchless Smart Lock iF+-R Readers For other door hardware Dimensions

نوفر لكم تشكيلة واسعة من التشطيبات لتتناسب مع الباب والأجهزة الأخرى الخاصة بك.

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Klacci التشطيبات 626 ساتان/ كرومساتان/ كروم62626D

How to install

قم بتثبيت وإعداد التطبيق لتصبح مسؤول القفل

قم بتثبيت وإعداد التطبيق لتصبح مستخدم القفل

